How to add more joy to overcome anxiety, depression and other challenges
Depression, anxiety, chronic health issues, and life challenges can drain happiness and satisfaction from life. We can take small steps to put joy back in life.

Feeling Anxious or Worried About Finances this Holiday Season?
Many people experience increased anxiety during the holidays due to financial concern and feelings of scarcity. Learn ways to adopt a healthier mindset towards you finances and material possessions.

COVID and Stress During The Holidays
With the rise of new COVID variants, it can seem like the pandemic is going to go on forever. As public health recommendations are continually updated it can be confusing to keep straight and make family gatherings and social interactions challenging. You may have different health beliefs than your family which can cause strain on the relationship and add to an already stressful season.
Here are some useful ways to help manage these interactions and reduce stress for these holidays.

3 Ways To Reduce Stress This Holiday Season

Gentle Chair Yoga Exercises
Chair yoga is a great way to get the benefits of traditional yoga asanas, when mobility issues prevent you from standing or laying down. Use this short sequence as a gentle way to start your day, a midday destress, or an evening wind-down. Give it a try!

How To Renew Your Goals This Fall
Did you create New Year’s resolutions back in January? They may seem like a distant memory now, but fall is an excellent time to check in with your goals and renew your commitments.

Can’t See Loved Ones In Person? Feeling Lonely? Try This.
If you can’t or won’t come in direct contact with someone for a while, there are several ways you can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.