Effectively manage chronic pain
You are exhausted
You have been in pain a long time and feel like you have tried everything. Pain medication helps – to a degree. But most days, you just feel tired. Either you take pain medication and lose all drive and energy or suffer just to maintain life responsibilities.
Generally, you resign yourself to a constant hum of nerve discomfort. You feel both activated and paralyzed.
Make friends with your body again
If chronic pain is not properly managed, it can quickly take over our lives. Often, our bodies can start feel numb, foreign, or unsafe.
If you suffer from chronic pain, chances are you have tried a lot of things to feel better. Most pain management focuses on physical causes of physical pain. However, studies have demonstrated that emotional and social pain can play a role in the experience of physical pain. This means that trauma, neglect, and relationship problems can frequently make pain worse.
As a brain-body therapist I can help you befriend your body and move towards your deepest values, with and despite pain. I can help you:
Reduce distress by gradually shifting relationship with physical pain
Change habits and behaviors to help better manage physical pain
Address unresolved traumas and emotional pain that can worsen physical pain
Achieve reconciliation with others and reduce social pain
Live with greater intention
Improve mindfulness through body awareness training
Shift and challenge unhelpful automatic negative thoughts that can worsen physical pain
Create a happy, value-driven life